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Old 11-20-2007, 09:30 PM
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Originally Posted by klurf8881 View Post
yes excuse my french but screw this mogul im ahving sprint swap mine out for a Touch if they expect to keep me as a customer i didnt pay $550 for this non-working POS (alarm, bluetooth, STILL low RAM problems)

Ill deal with no keyboard on the Touch so far reports are it doesnt have any of the bugs the mogul does, at least working bluetooth, and double the RAM in a much smaller package.
If Sprint doesnt keep you as a customer, who really looses in the end? I felt the same way you did, but I didnt go the "keep me as a customer" route. I paid just under $600 for the Mogul and I expected it to perform like the $600 device it is.

Hardware alone, I think the Mogul is crappy. Other opinions may vary. I am sitting here looking at my 4 month old Mogul that has never been dropped, but feels like I have owned it all of 5 years. The construction should be better than this. I've seen Legos stand up longer than my Mogul.