I have just switched companies and found out that the Nex-Tech HTC Touch Diamond phone cannot send or receive Picture through the general MMS. the people at the store told me that as far as they know ALL phones except Blackberries are unable to do this, and NEED to send/receive pictures through the email. this makes NO sense to me. i have been with alltel for 10+ years and have sent/received pictures to and from Dumb phones( razors/Krzrs/lg's...) with out having there email addy in my contact list, and vice versa. my dad and wife send me pics from there Razr/LG all the time and it goes right into my inbox where i can instantly view the msg and pic. now i get a txt msg saying " to view content pls click this link ...some#'s@nex-tech.com".
is there any way to get around this with this phone/company? i really dont want to have to contact everyone in my phone book and ask what carrier they have and fill in a new contact field like this...
AT&T Free2Go
AT&T Pocketnet PCS
when i am in a threaded txt msg and i receive a new msg it will not automatically change over to the "Marked as read". my alltel phone did automatically with the stock rom and after i put the Mighty Mike on there.
BTW i am running the Mighty ROM 6_Victor.