Re: Tellme Installer!!! (extracted from Samsung Intrepid)
Sprint Vogue (CDMA HTC Touch) here with NFSFANs WM6.5 v16 Build 23001.
Tellme installed fine. Touch screen also works perfectly.
I can't get it to recognize any voice command no matter how clearly or slowly I speak. Soft reset after tellme install doesn't help. I've also disabled MS Voice Command. Still no luck. I'm not sure which version of .NET CF I've got, but if I had to guess I'd say the leaked 3.7 since when I try to install 3.5 I get a newer version already installed error. I blame it on .NET CF because I don't know what else it could be.
I've been signed up to receive updates on Tellme from their website for months now. The only WM availability they've advertised since then is on the Intrepid. Also, another similar app is called Vlingo and it supports a few more WM phones. I've tried both on a friend's blackberry and I like Tellme a lot better.