Originally Posted by GunToYoMouth123
excuse me,but i keep gettin the 262 error even after i followed the recover instructions & everything. like all day till night. please help.
whats the 262 error? is it the usb error connection?
follow this thread:
basically theres 2 steps.
1. run HardSPL by cmoney to unlock the current ROM so it can be overwritten
2. run RUU by cfay to actually flash your phone with a new ROM 6.1 clean, 6.5 v1.52, or 6.5.1
also a lot of people have trouble with step 1), try the following:
Originally Posted by marmulak
for those who are having problem doing the first step and usb can't be recongized, i found a solution that worked on windows 7 !
Reset your phone and keep it connected to your computer while reseting.
Have PANTHER_CDMA_HSPL... file ready to run !
As soon as the phone starts to sync with your computer, or as soon as you hear the sound of it synching ( not usb connection, wait for it to start synch ) run the PANTHER_CDMA... file and it will pick up your device and your phone will go to the tricolour screen. When the application starts you have to agree to terms and conditions, on the second or 3rd screen disconnect the usb cable and reconnect it and then press next and it will work for you... then it will restart and you can load the new ROM on it...