Originally Posted by Malatesta
Originally Posted by xclusiv_1
what does aku 2.2 do... what are its benefits... itried googling it but got no where
AKU 2.2
"Compatibility with ActiveSync has been gotten better owing to the advent of ActiveSync Serial Switch utility. New ActiveSync 4.x has been initially set to use the RNDIS transport layer, but now you are granted the freedom to switch back to the old way (applied in Windows Mobile 2003 and earlier releases) in case you?re experiencing issues with pairing the device up with a PC. The developers have also managed to cut down time required for starting up Pocket PC by 15 seconds on average due to amplified caching algorithms. All other alterations are either beyond attention or target at patching up bugs."
i thought that i was the only one who noticed that my ppc started up a whole lot faster