Originally Posted by BoSoxFan
yall don't have MDTs for this?
No one within less than 80 miles has MDTs (now that I think of it, there is one that has a system that is run off of laptops and cellular cards with a vpn and they can get dispatch information/gps), but they are the largest city between Memphis and Nashville. We (or anyone else in the county that I know of.) won't even be getting digital radios until 2013 (FCC Deadline). They haven't said if we will be getting MDTs then either, even then we won't be able to check in house records, only do registration/dl checks/ and (possibly) see dispatch information. Each program we use (reporting/records, CAD, agency terminal) are all totally different and are all seperate from each other. I don't think there is a suite that exists that could possibly tie them all together and our reporting software doesn't have the ability to store anything that isn't related to a specific offense. So storing information about family, work, hangouts, associated vehicles, wants/warrants, and character information isn't an option.