As far as I know, if you cancel the line within the first 30 days, you return all equipment, do not pay the ETF, and just pay for the prorated amount for your usage. If you cancel it afterwards, you keep the equipment, pay the ETF and other charges.
Originally Posted by 632627
thats basically what im asking.
i remember years ago you could add a line of service to your cingular account, get a new phone with a big rebate, cancel the new line of service, and just use the new phone on your old number. cingular never asked for the phone to be returned, and never tried to charge you for it later.
im wondering if this loophole exists with sprint as well. if it does, than thats obviously how the ebay seller got the phone. if it doesnt, than maybe the seller fraudulently did this on somebody elses account, and they will find out about this later on when sprint asks for their phone back or issues a chargeback.