Originally Posted by lazyboy0172
alright, it's been a while and a few kitchens later but I've still got the same problem I had a while ago- I cannot build anything in the kitchen, after creating a ROM and flashing it I am always stuck on the first "Touch Diamond" boot screen and cannot get past that, and now I have tried everything- I tried creating my own, I tried leaving all the defaults selected and compiling, and I even tried doing it all under a windows xp release on virtualbox because I'm in windows 7 and i was afraid that was the problem. Would anyone be willing to create the rom i want, see if it works for them, and/or just send the final nbh to me? I haven't gotten my ROM Fix in ages...
how big of a ROM file is being created in the release folder..?
any chance you've got the build log available to post so we can better assist you..?