EVDO solution for Cloned 6800/6900!!!!!
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10-26-2009, 05:12 AM
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Re: EVDO solution for Cloned 6800/6900!!!!! and censoring policy.!!
OMG!!! this is in response to a closed thread that is link directly from this one......there is nothing in law that prevents a person from educating oneself to repair one own personal property!! read the fine print in your contract if you have a contract.
( in a society that embraces and eschews the notion that one must be assumed to be innocent. this morally and ethically applies to everyone including children and the aged. meaning you and you and me.) repairing your esn is not is illegal when you have done so with the "Intention" of defrauding anyone, or with the intent of criminal activity. know the law before you become a lawyer or worse. discovery and invention is becoming increasingly difficult in a society that prevents the individual from doing research and sharing answers in order to furthur personal invention and discovery. hewlett and packard and jobs and wosniak can no more
in 2008 be allowed to work silently in their garage.
many counties in california prevent such research because they cannot tax or license it, so they have code warriors sent out to serve up huge fines for violating zoning laws. they are the guardians of the pretty and proper. bow down before your masters. better yet become one. take an oath to support the constitution and then breach your oath in the name of protection and service. no one is innocent and therefore YOU MUST POLICE US ALL. have a nice day. please forgive me my rant and poor punctuation and spelling, i am still learning english. this is my opinion at least. in summary we must all be led to believe that we need to know what we don't know our neighbor is doing. so while your sweeping your yard take a peek through the fence.
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