...finally caught up to the thread. I WAS going to flash one of the two ROMs I saw this morning, but now see there's a third...and I'm not going to have time to rock them all. I'm out on business until Friday.
For the moment "The Guide" is going to stall out on the Oct.14th Build until I can get some more time to flash and do a proper walk through. I'm away on business and can't really risk any of the features I have working getting jacked.
I'll try to follow the thread and will eventually do a walk through of which ever build seems to be most worthy of installation on my Device of Doom.
...I'll take suggestions as well.
Originally Posted by murducky
No one? no one else is having data issue with USC ? just me ?
Murducky..I was actually having very strange data connection falures recently....but I was on the Stock ROM some of the time. It was strange...possibly a Sprint issue? I was going to call them to investigate but haven't had a data connection fail in a bit. ...just throwing that out there. It would def connect sometimes, but then I'd go to grab weather or something and it'd throw an error.
Originally Posted by num5kull27
i know everybody uses cleanram but do you use sktools by chance?? i lean towards it due to it free's up a lot more ram than cleanram does,after using it usually will leave you sitting in the 65-70% range
SKTools...rules. I use it for a ton of features...and yea, I think it crushes cleanram.
Originally Posted by xSD
BUMP. Any comments? SMS lock up issue.
Try deleting some of your texts...usually slow downs, especially when you go to your "all messages" view, are the result of the device having to load ALL of your texts. If you text alot, you should be mindful of this.
Originally Posted by thestick00
has anyone froze up when opening text messages. I am wondering if it has anything to do with S2U2. when I try to open open texts on ocassion, it will lock up and i have to reset. Anyone?
Same dealio. I use S2U2 and I dont think it's that.
Originally Posted by Whotahn
Ran the 21864 NICE. Now running the 23071 NICER. I realy like the new builds. I like the bottom taskbar personally. I have only two issues so far to note and I flashed it this morning then again after about an hour of the fixed 21864 , so about 11 hrs ago and I have put it through the ringer so far. Here is what I have found with 23071... Total Comm & PocketRAR controls are wacked out. The controls in TC are working but you can't see them all unless you go into landscape. The controls in PR aren't working at all, can't get past the "Use this to associate with ZIP or RAR files". Surely due to the new bottom taskbar, and something I can work around and live with. The other thing is another no issue for me. When I installed a custom taskbar it messed up my softbar in the today screen only. SO when I turn off TF3D & Titanium and have just my general "today" screen up my bottom taskbar is white with the "action"&"contacts" crammed together on the far left and not even in buttons. However I can click on the area and the start menu will pop up so I can go and turn TF3D or titanium again. Again a no issue as I only use the Today screen so I can install goodies for Titanium or TF3D.
Guess what though familiar readers......my location still only works when I roam! Even after the GPS driver cab reccomended, enablemylocation cab, manually setting GPS, updateing quick GPS, enable AGPS, and all other jazz. Oh well I am lovin the new ROMs all the same.
Great Work NRGZ28!!! Thank You.
I really think MyLocation only works well in certain areas. I keep testing it as I'm traveling about the country and it does get spotty in some places and works flawlessly in others. ....still a theory, but I'm experiencing different results in different parts of the country.
Originally Posted by xmasbags
Is there a way to customize the snooze time? Snooze of 5 minutes just doesn't cut it.....
I think that's a Windows issue...I haven't seen proper snooze options since I first installed 6.5
Originally Posted by murducky
Killer! Mind if I link this jammy? I get a lot of cross-carrier questions and I hate giving advice if I cant test the method.
Originally Posted by flogrevol81
does anyone know what the deal is with puting the energy rom on the tp2 my friend did it for me and i dont know if thats a good thing or bad thing thank you for any input
...NRG totally cooks for TP2s...I wouldnt try to put this rom on it. He makes one specifically for the 2.
Originally Posted by Switcher05
I been having some problems with this rom lately. I installed it awhile ago and it ran great with all my programs installed, then it started freezing up every other screen, so i switched roms, fixed the problem but didnt like the rom. So im back on energy rom but been having problems yet again. The other night i had just a few programs installed like g-alarm and some other tinker ones. I tried to launch g-alarm, said failed to leaunch and was told to reinstall it. tried another program, pocketrar, same message, so i restart my phone. But when it started up it hard reseted, lost everything and started just like after a hard reset.
I reflashed it and never installed a thing and it done it again, suggestions? I like the rom just has a pain in the *** problem with it.
I dont know if anyone suggested, but this should be cleared up with a flash to stock, hard reset, custom rom flash, hard reset. Ye ole Flash Dance.
Originally Posted by srk468
Boy ohh boy do I feel dumb!!LOL If anyone was havin the pic rotation issues like me I found the solution, I just added a shortcut in my quick programs list to "photos and videos" if I open the pics from there they are fine and I can email them from there and they are the right orientation and size (I went into the menu for the viewer and changed the setting to send original size photos when emailing) and everything. What's cool is I can MMS them from there too and they are all shrunk down and ready to go, here I was makin all this fuss and the man NRG had me covered the whole time!!LOL Been busy tryin to figure this out so I'm still on 10-14 and I'm sure as hell not complaining, this thing is running so good I almost don't wanna reflash (notice I said almost!!LOL) I gotta give MAJOR props to NRG for all his hard work on these roms and I also want to thank everyone else who has helped me (the list would be too long to post here but I know where the "thanks" button is) get going though this! Happy flashing everyone! 
Haha...I stumbled across this and was gonna hit you up.
Originally Posted by hyperfire21
please please add the newest voice command 23081... been hoping for MSVC in this rom for a long time.
I have links to two different versions that work in the Guide in my sig.
Originally Posted by jkcsho
im having issues recieving mms on my tp and my girlfriends td. ive installed arcsoft and all my settings are correct (i think). i never had this problem until 10/22 on the tp and 10/14 on the td. any ideas?
I have instructions for proper installation in my Guide...check it out. You need to do more than simply installing arcsoft.
OK dudes...have fun playing with the new goodies!