Originally Posted by jit
Is there any way to change the left softkey on the home menu to showcase?
Also, when I use the volume keys I get the old windows volume control settings rather than the HTC settings. Is there a way to change this?
Showcase: Navigate to HKLM/Software/HTC/Manila/HomeLSKPath and edit to \Windows\Showcase.lnk (also change HomeSLKText to whatever you want it to say)
Asided from installing a 3rd party app (like S2U) we got what we got with the volume control. I remember reading nrgz having trouble getting HTC Volume Control to play nice, but I'm sure it wont be long before he's got it
Originally Posted by jkcsho
im having issues recieving mms on my tp and my girlfriends td. ive installed arcsoft and all my settings are correct (i think). i never had this problem until 10/22 on the tp and 10/14 on the td. any ideas?
You did run the uninstall cab first, soft reset, arcsoft, soft reset, right?
Originally Posted by Systom
Is there any fully working taskbar icons up yet for 230XX?
As far as I can tell there aren't a lot but IMO bilbobrian over at XDA has a killer White and Black set that goes really well with ngrz current theme. Google his name as I wrote it and xda and the thread should be the first hit.
Hope that helps.