Originally Posted by wesd
I am led to believe the TP2 is going to have a short lifespan. First, there is talk on the 'net of the TP3, basically a HD2 with a keyboard. Plus, as noted above, WM 7 will be out next year. The Tp2 is basically a TP1 with the correct form factor. Camera and processor are very similar.
I'm going to the TP2, but when I can buy one on Ebay for $299 or less. They are down to $380 now from $430 last week. I would wait for the Droid but not sure if Sprint will get that one or not.
Good luck with that; they seem to be selling for upwards of $500. My auction ends this morning and is over $500. Still a deal if full retail is $479; but I doubt you'll be getting one on ebay for much less than $475 or so.