Originally Posted by rorytmeadows
Really? I haven't noticed anything (yet) and I don't use it for too many settings. Is there a thread on this?
I'm not sure on an actual thread, but I've read it numerous times in other threads. I would just do the registry edits for your hacks. I prefer doing the edits myself instead of using .cabs or apps. Just so I know for sure what has changed and that I can change it back if something goes wrong. It's hard to say what changes with some apps.
Originally Posted by saj070
what if i want all my videos to save to sdcard ???
I think there is a setting for that somewhere on the phone? If not I imagine it will save on the SD if you do the camera hack. I think its connected somehow. I could be wrong, I'll check it out.
EDIT: Yes there is an option. Turn on your video camera, goto the settings and your can choose Storage Card for the storage location.
OP - I think you need to check the box to sync the my docs folder. You should be able to edit the connection settings in activesync on your PC to sync that folder. Are you using activesync or Windows Mobile Device Center?