Originally Posted by winmonewbie
Sounds like you need to flash to a stock ROM, hard reset that, flash Energy, hard reset that.
Sorry you going nuts with this, I know root has suggested Kinoma player which will rotate pics for you, cant remember if you responded to that? If your having issues on a ROM that functioned before and now doesnt, a stock flashdance may be indicated if it's that important to you. Good luck.
Yea I tried the Kinoma player but it wasn't for me, don't want to put off the wrong vibe because I appreciate the hell out of all the help I've gotten here

and I have been doing the flashdance every time I flash now, I always flash to stock, hard reset, flash energy hard reset then load my cabs but I think I may have figured out the problem anyway. I'll report back later after I test my theory. Thanks again guys!