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Old 10-24-2009, 07:46 PM
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Thumbs up Re: So has the temptation got to you yet?

Originally Posted by smoove21 View Post
Ok first off I love sprint and pocket pcs..yet I must admit that windows mobile has turned me off. However this isn't a thread to bash them. I enjoyed the freedom and the many ways to customise the OS. The problem was that it would become old and in all honesty, the only things we were changing was the outter shell. At its core windows still is outdated and isn't really finger friendly.Either way I switched to a pre recently and with the hero being released today,the storm 2, bold 2 and even though I dislike apple, I have to give respect to the iphone.... All out or soon to be out on the market, is there anyone that has stuck with windows mobile(phone), that's has thought or is thinking of switching to a new OS? Be honest the temptation has to be there. This thread is solely for discussion as I'm interested in the thoughts and opinions of my peers. So if you've chose to stay or leave windows,please list your reasons why or why not...
I have to agree I love my mogul, touch pro but no because of the OS but the the stuff I could do to it.

I now have a Hero .... and honestly say there is no such thing as a perfect phone. We get caught up in this whole best OS, when in all actuality all we want to do is hack, mod, hack or phones.

As it stands I right now the Hero seems to me to be a bit more restricted than my previous phones but thats due to it being a new os
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