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Old 10-24-2009, 02:10 PM
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Re: If unlocker is not ready...

So apparently it's a distribution issue with not wanting to crash the ppcgeeks server? There's an easy fix for that if that is the case.

There are really only two issues as far as crashing the site goes:

Obviously uploading the unlocker to the server is going to cause a ton of bandwidth stress. You can mirror the actual unlocker file across several of those free file storage sites "megaupload" or whatever its called, and others. Also, I'm sure that several board members have webspace somewhere and would be more than willing to host the file there. Just need to include a hash checker to make sure that the file hasn't been tampered with or isn't damaged. Bandwidth problem solved.

The main issue would be the huge increase on server resources (CPU, RAM, etc.). That is also a simple fix. Just set up a temporary static html page somewhere with the links and info/instructions and post a link to it up at the top. Each time a page is loaded within the boards, the server has to regenerate everything. Huge load on the server. Using a static page will eliminate that problem. And if it's just a simple page with no graphics or and isn't anything fancy, the bandwidth usage would be minimal. Like downloading a very small text file. Server load problem solved.

That'd reduce both bandwidth stress and server stress... as well as keep the forums going. (and also keep the owner of the ppcgeeks server(s) out of trouble with the hosting company)

A day or two of that, and everyone would get their fix... and things would be back to normal.

Just a (hopefully helpful) suggestion if that is, indeed, the problem the team is dealing with right now.

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