Originally Posted by oliverr871
Premium will not go out tonight, most likely back on Monday cuz I don't have time for Saturday (Helping with the Wamu/Chase conversion) and Sunday I'm launching a website. Anyways hope everybody likes these ROMs!
I did went ahead and flashed with the basic with TF3D, and I've got to tell you, I can't stop wiping the drool off my phone
Thanks for the awesome job....I'm still curious what the "premium" will look like tho. ANother note is that the volume rocker works fine now, though it might be nice to have the version with system and ring volume settings.
PS: It might be nice to have Marketplace cooked with your ROMs, and the problem I had earlier with Marketplace was in this string
"[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Versions] "Aku"=".5.3.00"; it initially said "ssk 1.01" or something similar.