Re: Help!! Re: EBAY purchase possible insurance fraud/scam
I had this type of thing happen to me with the LG Voyager, except the package came in my name. I had purchased it off of ebay, had it activated and everything was good. A month later a guy named Bruno from VZW Corporate Security called me to let me know that the phone I had purchased off of ebay was stolen. We talked a little but and came to the conclusion that I would return the phone to the VZW store in my area who he notified. I went there to return it, when i also found out that the phone was a refurb, not brand new as stated by the ebay seller. There they took the phone and sent it back to law enforcement in CA (where the phone was shipped from) and gave me a brand new LG Voyager. Supposedly there was a "stolen cell phone ring" as I was told out there and that I wasn't the first to have it happen that exact same way. If Sprint is nice enough they should do the same for you, you had no knowledge that the phone was stolen.