Originally Posted by Whotahn
This has been my experiance with the issue. I have tried some other ROMs that were 6.5.1 and I would have the issue with the white taskbar during the today screen (titanium sometimes has it sometimes not) whenever I installed a custom taskbar...so this is just a MS change that has affected the custom tb and the regular tb from cooperating completely I would say. I am sure if we check the taskbar thread there will be more discussion on correcting it, maybe not. I haven't looked into it enough to be honost because I am not a Titanium or Today regular. But I have had the issue firsthand with other custom ROMs that were 6.5.1. I just wanted to let others know this issue is not energyROM exclusive. Another one of those bugs NRG mentioned when thinking about scrapping the 23071 build if I were betting! (GLAD he didn't!!!)
The NRG aspect of this ROM is nothing but bad arse greatness!! (as usual, #1) Stay NRGized! 
it is b/c the dll's changed from windows 6.5 to 6.5.1 so to fix the problem the taskbars would have to be reworked.