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Old 11-19-2007, 11:26 PM
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lol forget it i got it...spoke too soon.
at the autoinstall screen in the beginning i see you included magicall =) thats my mannnn!

but why two different mms programs? ive always had luck with your roms and the mms. i installed the arcsoft not the ppc geeks cab so we'll see.

also i see you put the htc action screen in there. i like the look of it but how do i access it? do you have it assigned to a press and hold feature? i cant find it in the programs menu anywhere or even when i try to make a shortcut for it to a hardkey.

thanks ill keep everyone posted =)

p.s. i had to flash three times....when i click to auto install windows live it freezed up everytime when the bar got close to completion.

sorry if im babbling i know this is stillkindaroughrom but thanks alot for all your work! really is appreciated!
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