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Old 10-24-2009, 12:01 AM
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Re: Anyone else losing faith?

Originally Posted by hyakku View Post
Ewww, people who suck schlong are even more annoying. You know damn well the second the unlocker comes out you'll be clamoring to get it, so I don't know why you're trying to act all high and mighty. Damn brown nosers.

either way, I just got the phone so I'm willing to wait, I'm sure for those of you waiting a couple of months and getting conflicting error messages its annoying but it'll be out soon enough.

But please, people complaining may annoy you, but there is nothing worse than someone who complains about someone complaining. Jesus, if it bothers you that much don't read it. Not only do they read the complaint, but they then respond making themselves more upset.
I'm going to just go ahead and ignore most of the gibberish you typed and say the following:

It's pretty hard to IGNORE the threads when they take up HALF the forum listing. The mods of this site obviously agree with me and others for the most part of they keep getting closed. Thanks for playing!