Wirelessly posted (HTC_Touch_Pro2_T7373 Opera/9.50 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en))
When I first read this (And the other whining post about it not being out yet) it brings me back the old memory of the hacked pre release of Half Life 2. Seriously guys just relax and wait for it. The fact that they are saying it is done and giving us a time in the future even if vague is enough proof that it will be released. If it was not coming out they would probably tell us but my guess is they are as eager to get the phone hacked as us, mainly for the satisfaction of making the phone flashable for others to enjoy. So chill out and just wait for it. Once its out, its out.
Phone History with Sprint: Samsung N400 (Lockup King) - Toshiba VM4050 (Great Screen. No BT) - PPC6700 (Squishy Touchscreen) - Mogul (USB Port No More) - Touch Pro (Davy Jones Locker) - Touch Pro 2 (Oldie But Goodie) - HTC Arrive (I<3WP) : History of Pocket PC's: Dell Axim X50V WM6.5.3 (Still the best VGA PDA gaming and multimedia device since 2004)