Yeah, I know this one sucks. Based on my testing the HTML format only works when you sync it with an Exchange 2007 server. When you sync with 2003 you are limited to the old fashioned Plain Text.
To fix this.......well, lets just get real. The android integration with Exchange isn't the best. There is no way to fix the issue by syncing with an Exchange 2003 server. You would have to upgrade your server to 2007. Which I dont think is realistic or your company would have done it already.
I have a few other issues for you. Try to get someones phone number from the public directory on Exchange. If you can, let me know how its done. I cant seem to find a way.
Also, have someone send you a canceled meeting notice. Let me know if you can delete it from your calendar from the message. If you can....again...please let me know how.
I am all for Android and all (which should be apparent in the fact that I still own one) but I dont think it is in the class of business OS as WM, Apple or Palm Pre.
Sorry, to be the downer.