Originally Posted by sc00b4s7eve
Sure I'll post a link back to the post when I get a chance.
And nope, It puts only CALIBRI.tff in Windows\Fonts.
In the meantime (for those who didnt accidently overwrite their manila clock files):
Tweak for SenseLIKE Transparent-White for Pano
Just copy the file to your \Windows dir and overwrite

Yeah I realize I may have ocd but the frames were bothering me on this really awesome clock, lol.
That was a great tweak for the clock. I've always been a fan of the default Sprint clock, so I took your tweak a step in that direction:

The rar is the SenseLIKE Transparent-White for Pano clock with sc00b4s7eve's tweak for no frame and Sprint clock's neon numbers.
edit: had the position of the ":" time separator messed up; fixed now.