Originally Posted by dpippel
Howdy all. I'm new to the board, just purchased a VZW Touch Pro that I'm using with Page Plus Cellular prepaid and am trying to get the GPS unlocked and working with Google Maps. So far here's what I've done:
1) Installed the 6/8/09 Verizon stock ROM to unlock the GPS (1.08.605.4)
2) Have Location On set in the phone
3) Configured my External GPS settings as instructed at the beginning of this thread
4) Installed latest version of Google Maps and configured it accordingly
5) Installed v1.1.1.0 of HTC GPS Tool (latest I could find)
I get nada. Zip. Nothing. HTC Tool shows zero satellites, much less a lock, under clear skies. Google Maps displays (Seeking GPS Satellites (0)) forever and never finds a thing. Does anyone have an idea as to what I may be doing wrong? It's frustrating as hell. 
Same problem here...VZW HTC Touch Pro, ROM version 1.08.605.4, 3/18/09. The PPST2.01 does nothing for my device. I removed and installed lllboredlll_VZW_GPS_Fix_v2, and performed PPST update as instructed. Everything is peachy now