Considering getting rid of my Touch Pro for....
A older BB 8350i...
I know my TP has better specs and a better camera but I just love the look of the 8350i and I'm really considering it.
Also, I have Sero 1250 and I'll be losing that so technically I'm a idiot but I just love the look of the 8350i.
I've been fortunate enough with my TP not to have many issues with it beside the occasional freezing and having to do a Soft reset of the device but everything else hasn't given my trouble yet.
I don't have any insurance on my phone either and I have to get a new contract in order to get insurance on a phone so....
Well, ya know...
Anyways if this is in the wrong forum please move it, I'll know I'll have people telling me to keep my TP with Sero anyways.
But honest with the new free mobile to mobile and since most people use cell phones these days does sero really matter anymore?