I am a relative newbie at this stuff, so I am looking for some help.
I just got an HTC touch from Sprint. I upgraded from my ppc6700. I have a bunch of new software that I have installed on it from this site and now I am faced with some screen which no longer appear as they should I was hoping for some insight into perhaps fixing the problem without having to do a hard reset on my phone and go thru the process all over again.
Here is a list of everything installed:-
PCM Keyboard 0.11b
PocketCM Contacts 0.15
Marsware Weatherpanel
Microsoft Livesearch
AC IMSelecter
O2 Plus
AXYZ KeepBluechattin
emunutz HTC Home Customizer
dmig Dictionary Editor
Vicsoft Quickclear
Omega One 1-Calc
Skunkworks FlashVideoBundle
AM Tasks+ Today Plug-in
Microsoft Voice Command
HTC Audio Manager
Arcsoft MMS
I really would love if someone could help me restore those screens...everything else works great, except for the PCM Keyboard doesn't enter text in non-Pocket CM Contact screens..I have to use the ghetto oem keypads for that
Thank you all