OK!! First Updated ROM is uploading and i'm taking a well deserved break while it's uploading. The ROM that is uploading is a WM 6.1 with GenY 2.1 TF w/ AL_CommManager w/ Wifi, and no extra keyboards, install your own
and even lower memory usage than the last one. I'm sitting at 27% right now, it was 30% on the older version. Haven't fully tested it yet, but hasn't reset on the TF yet (CaliBoyPhillip), and seems to be snappy and runnin good. 15 Minutes left on the upload. ENJOY!!! I busted my brain on this one for ya'll
@ Rizzo = Maybe i was huddled over my computer hammering out this ROM.................. and not sleeping, hehe, Oh ye of little faith...... JK... Sorry it took soooooo long, i was not expecting this trouble by adding this type of TF. Enjoy the ROM. The others should be easier now that I got the base worked out.