Originally Posted by climberyao
the ppc i am using is motorola E6, but last day I found a chinese website, where has many PPC .they are not only multifunctional but cheap.
check this : www.epathchina.com
what do you think?
Legitimate Manufacturer: Clean room environment, static gaurds, even nicotine use is prohibited by employees, Tested procedure of reliabilty, reasonably reilable OS. Operates on approved GSM/CDMA frequencies
China Manufacturer: Some guy sitting out on his front porch cobbling together something that works, his front porch is facing a main thoroughfare that would barely classify as an alley in first world terminology, Throws a bunch of ICs from different scrap phones together using acidic soldier and a second hand PCB. No sterilization available. "Testing" consists of powering it on, and if it powers up, it ships to market. OS is whatever you can find to put on it without any testing on the hardware, Unlisenced device. May cause interference in other electronic devices.
As an old saying goes: "You get what you pay for."