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Old 11-19-2007, 02:43 PM
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Sprint TV Access

I finally got my 6700 to work last night. This is what I did last night and mine was up and running. I would think that this process only works if you have the Power Vision plan for $15 a month, but we both know that with the original 6700 you can't access half of the things that are available to you... So once i went to the kitchen I have every thing now... NFL Mobile, xm radio, mobitv, Sprint TV and etc... Good Luck everyone...

1. Uninstalled the Sprint TV
2. Reinstalled the (
3. After installing it will automatically Run the first time
4. It usually ends in the error "Unauthorized user: sprint tv will now exit"
5. Check you cache file at Program files\Sprint Tv
* there's usually only one folder there and it's the menu folder
6. Copy and paste the cache that has been given previously in this forum into the program files\Sprint Tv
7. Click Start,settings, phone, services
8. Select internet in the scroll box and click get settings
9. you should receive a message stating it receiving data provisioning.
10 Once it's finished Run your sprint tv program and you should be good to go.
11. If this fails verify that your cache is still accurate with the four folders (channels, Icons, Lineups, Menu)
If so, proceed...
12. Click Start,settings,connections,connections
13. Once you here you try enter your username with the included and password and run program again.
14. If this fails remove password and run the program again.
15. you should be prompted with the vision logon request, if so just click enter and you should be good to go.

This is what worked for me... I had tried everything... If your channels are still loading it's probably because of you signal strength. Keep repeating the process until you get it...