***Fix MMS:
To fix MMS for Sprint add the following to your registry:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Jataayu\MMS\Profiles\0 00]
replace the
xxxxxxxxxx's with your phone number.
Miscellaneous Cabs/Tweaks:
3 Row Start Menu:
Install "Baz 3 Row Start Menu.cab" attached to this post and soft reset.
Opera Mobile 10 Beta:
Manila 2.5 Tweaks-
Restore the clock to the original white 2.5 clock:
Install "Baz Default 2.5 Clock Restore.cab" attached to this post and soft reset.
Restore the icons to their original colors:
Install "Baz Default 2.5 Icons Restore.cab" attached to this post and soft reset.
Restore the Sliders in both Manila and People Details, Music Library, etc:
Install "Baz 3 Default 2.5 Slider Restore.cab" attached to this post and soft reset.
Make home screen show 20 icons instead of 9:
To get landscape in 2.5 (very beta and buggy):
I'm sure these Roms are going to be very buggy so when reporting a bug, just let me know which Rom you're using and if you have any extra apps installed. Also be aware that this is a beta, there is a lot that needs to be ironed out.
To do list:
-Fix up the cluttered Start Menu
-Fix MMS in 2.5
-Weed out all the useless programs taking up space.
-Fix landscape issue in sense 2.1
-Fix the lockscreen issue (device freezes up after a soft-reset) for people connected to an Exchange Server that requires a pin.
-Customize HTC Sense 2.1 and Sprint Manilas.