Hehehe... well remember not all mods are developers or even know how to program, etc. I will include myself in that group... heck, I'm a n00b when it comes to ROMs and things like that.
I'm not sure what will happen with the app or if anyone is even working on it. Keep in mind that the Palm Thread SMS app was ripped from the Treo 750, which has a keyboard... so I'm sure that is why this app behaves like that.
If someone ever creates a fix, it is up to Wideawake (our admin) to decide if we can post it on or not since Palm contacted him directly.
My guess is that if it is a separate fix, like a registry edit or a separate and independent CAB, it would be allowed to be posted here. However, if someone completely reworks the app and it is repackaged into a new CAB, it will NOT be allowed to be posted here becuase, in essence, it is still Palm's app and their intellectual property.
Samsung Epic 4G - LegendaryROM / Samurai kernel
ViewSonic gTablet - Flashback Honeycomb Alpha 10.1
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