If you mean panoramic background, then yes. the instructions are in my Guide/Thread linked in my sig. I also include the manila files ot get an Energy Themed pano background in portrait and landscape. Eat it up.
Did you get it generally, or when trying to get your weather? I actually got the "#777" error last night fresh off of a flash when I went ot the Weather Tab. All I needed to do was go to START-SETTINGS-SYSTEM-AGPS Settings and update the file. Then, the error cleared up and the Weather Tab worked. If that's not your issue, give us a lot more information on what you're talking about.
I woudl try correctly installing Arcsoft for MMS. Again, there are cabs and instructions for how to do this properly in the Guide/Thread in my sig. You can't simply install Arcsoft...and MMS doesn't work correctly without being set up proper.
If that doesn't correct the issue, you may just need to reflash.
Get S2U2...it works much better than the stock lock. ...while this doesn't directly address your issue, my guess is no one else has a fix or is experiencing this, so reposting will likely do little.
Try Booksync...google it. I don't know if it will work on this ROM, but that's what I used previously sync Facebook contacts out of TouchFlo...it's not specifically for Titanium, but maybe a step in the right direction.
...and now, deal with this: