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Old 10-21-2009, 10:48 PM
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Metro fashed Mogul wants to connect to Sprint

I am a total newbie and just cant figure this out. I have a htc sprint mogul 6800
that I had a guy flash to metro pcs. It all works.. Phone, internet, messaging.
The problem is that if im not already connected to the metro network and try to launch IE it wants to try to use the old sprint network and I get the username/password error. Now the interesting thing is that if I launch messaging (witch is configured to check my internet e-mail every 4 hours) It has no problem using the Metro pcs network. So... Is there a way to configure my browsers (either picsel or IE) to connect to internet via metro pcs network instead of trying to use the old sprint connection? I tried to delete the sprint connection but it just comes back. Sorry if this a lame question and simple fix.

Thanx for any help
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