Wirelessly posted (AdrianH85(TP2): Opera/9.5(Microsoft Windows; PPC; Opera Mobi/16643; U; en) HTC_Touch_Pro2_T7379)
Originally Posted by Juggalo_X
Originally Posted by Adrianh85
sprint has the 400 hardware and verizon and telus have the 500. will do more research to find out the difference in hardwares!!
edit i did some more research and found this and from what i see the only difference in hardware between the verizon and sprint is verizon`s bluetooth 2.1 vs sprints` 2.0 and that it says that the verizon verizon only allows u to access half the memory!!
dont know where you got that from, they have full memory.
and they are quad pand gsm, im pretty sure they are the same chipset as the rhod500 so it might be as simple as a radio update to get the quadband for telus and USC users
i got that info from here
i dont know how creditable this website is though!
and i dont say it didnt have all the memory i said it only has access to half! on first boot i only had 188mb!