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Old 10-21-2009, 06:04 PM
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Unhappy Scheduled email check won't start data session

I'm running Mattsm WM 6.5 23053 on my Telus P4000 and its working great.

One problem I'm having is that my email checking schedule does not seem to start a data session successfully. I've got it set to check my Gmail every 30 minutes and even after leaving it all night, my inbox will have messages but my phone won't show them.

By default on boot there is no data session active. If I check in the bar at the top of the home screen it says something like, "no data session active. programs will connect as needed."

If I go into my inbox on the phone and press send/recieve, it will then start a data session and grab all my mail. After that the session stays connected and schedule works fine after that.

Anyone know why this might be happening?

Is there maybe a way to start a data session when the phone boots?

Thanks in advance
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