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Old 10-21-2009, 10:31 AM
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Re: GPS works, My Location does not?? Any ideas? *FIXED*

Originally Posted by jskoland View Post
I talked to Verizon about this yesterday and although it does not make total sense to me, maybe somebody could explain it. When I posted earlier I was getting Alltel when I would dial some specific Verizon numbers. I downloaded a different PRL ( the one posted above ) and although that fixed the certain Verizon numbers I could not get before when I would dial *228 I would get to US Cellular and could not update the phone. When talking to Verizon they told me that hybrid PRL I had in the beginning was probably the best PRL in my area. Even though I would not be on Verizon towers and getting Verizon service I would be getting the best service as far as phone calls from the other towers. That is the part I don't get. If I am paying Verizon for Verizon service, should I not be getting Verizon service. Where my home address is they told me a tower is like 6 miles away. I work 7 miles away and where I work they told me the Verizon tower was 1 mile away, must be the same tower. I never had these problems until Sunday after the change over from Alltel to Verizon, so something has got to be messed up. To make a long story short. I downloaded a hybrid PRL, updated my phone and now I no longer get the Extended Verizon network banner but I am right back to square one again when I started this.
The hyrbrid PRL probably is the best PRL for you, its probably the best for any of us, as it should let us use all the Verizon and Alltel towers available. Problem is that it doesn't work with the my location feature as far as I can tell.

Sounds like in your area, native Verizon coverage is spotty and weak, thats why you are roaming onto other carriers towers. Sorry to say, but thats just the way things work. Yes you are paying Verizon, but they are paying someone else for the roaming agreement that lets you roam.

If you really want to get on the Verizon network, or if you need to *228, you can go into your phone settings and set the network to Home Only. This way, no matter what, you will stay on your home Verizon SID, and if its not available, you just won't get signal.
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Alltel / Verizon

Last edited by digi; 10-21-2009 at 10:50 AM.
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