Re: GPS works, My Location does not?? Any ideas? *FIXED*
I talked to Verizon about this yesterday and although it does not make total sense to me, maybe somebody could explain it. When I posted earlier I was getting Alltel when I would dial some specific Verizon numbers. I downloaded a different PRL ( the one posted above ) and although that fixed the certain Verizon numbers I could not get before when I would dial *228 I would get to US Cellular and could not update the phone. When talking to Verizon they told me that hybrid PRL I had in the beginning was probably the best PRL in my area. Even though I would not be on Verizon towers and getting Verizon service I would be getting the best service as far as phone calls from the other towers. That is the part I don't get. If I am paying Verizon for Verizon service, should I not be getting Verizon service. Where my home address is they told me a tower is like 6 miles away. I work 7 miles away and where I work they told me the Verizon tower was 1 mile away, must be the same tower. I never had these problems until Sunday after the change over from Alltel to Verizon, so something has got to be messed up. To make a long story short. I downloaded a hybrid PRL, updated my phone and now I no longer get the Extended Verizon network banner but I am right back to square one again when I started this.