As posted over on, here is the script I use to recmod the common files of any SYS to free up Slot 0. Just thought I'd bring the love over to ppcgeeks, and give all you cooks more information on the script.
I need to officially thank Tplane37 of the "Force Developments" team for putting the RecModCommon.txt together and helping me with some testing. Also need to thank AstainHellbring AND Tplane37 for some ideas with it. Also need to thank watzone69 for getting the ball rolling on this, and Da_G for all the good VM info. You guys rock
The RecModCommonFiles.txt contains the list of module folders that you want recmodded. You may change it to whatever you want. The script is expecting recmod.exe to be in the same folder as the script. The easiest way to use this is to place a shortcut to the RecModCommon.bat your "Send To" folder, then right click on the "COMMON" folder and "Send To" the batch file. The script can also be integrated into to your kitchen. If the files are already recmodded, the script will NOT error out.
This does NOT have to be used on the COMMON folder only, you can also use it with an old stype Bepe kitchen where EVERYTHING is in the root of SYS.
You may feel free to edit/cleanup the vbscript as you see fit.
Currently, the files that are being recmodded by the source RecModCommon.txt are listed below. Keep in mind, that if you are using this on an Apahce, do NOT recmod the modules in the OS folder. One or more of those being recmodded can give you Apache guys a non-booter (Attached is a source list for the Apache). Also, I recently discovered that if the source COMMON contains the BaseAppFiles or MediaOSFile instead of BaseAppModules or MediaOSModules, the files in there should be in module form for the Apache. At this point, it is unclear as to why the Apache is being so picky....
Also, line 15 of the script is defining what file to use as the source so you can create your own and use that instead. Line 15 looks like this:
InputFileName = (CurPath & "
The bold portion is the source file that you use. Just be sure it is in the same folder as the script and recmod.exe.
On another note, if you fancy nuerecmod.exe over recmod.exe, no problem. Just edit line 39 of the vbscript. Line 39 looks like this:
strCommand1 = Chr(34) & CurPath & "\
recmod.exe" & Chr(34) & " " & Chr(34) & strModuleFolder & Chr(34)
Just change recmod.exe to nuerecmod.exe and be sure nuerecmod.exe is in the same path as the script.
And finally, one last note. Sometimes modules will fail, I don't know why. But it's easy to fix, just run it twice as any module that failed ALWAYS works the second time around.