Originally Posted by Rippa_MD
Update?? Did you get a ups tracking number? Or a 'sorry you're not Steve Jobs' email, get out of here .
looks like you got in before the NARC.
I kidd, I kidd.
Damn that was a close one good thing I didn't wait HAHA hell yeah got my touch pro 2 today. I guess everybody has morals and whats right and whats wrong but I've had 5 replacements for a pos touch pro that had design flaws from the get go "i.e overheating, Keyboard just went out, screen stopped working" I work hard for my money and everytime one of those issues came I would go to the sprint store and they would ask me if I had insurance I would say yes and have to file a claim to get it fixed oh yeah and also pay them OVER 450.00 for replacements phones over time. I called sprint they wouldn't do a damn time thing except to charge me 349.00 for a new phone yeah right. So Kris510 & dbldwn02 thank you so much for starting this thread and providing the links because I now have a 199.00 htc touch pro 2.