Originally Posted by winmonewbie
Yes but I read the last couple of pages of that thread and there's a lot of speculation over there that the file is a beta as nrgz did not make an "official" announcement that it was uploaded, no chagne log, and there appears to be some bugs esp with SMS. Like I said, speculation, but I wouldn't take that file as evidence that our version is imminent. As usual our Chef will release it when it's up to his standards, hopefully soon.
Edit: This in no way is meant to imply I'm not jonesing like everyone else. 
Originally Posted by winmonewbie
NRGZ28 in the news
The Chef is going to be even buiser  (Read the last post) Didn't see the point in buying a TP2 until now. (Still may wait for the Leo carrier to be confirmed)
I posted this because while not ROM related it is Chef related and with the pending unlocking of the CDMA TP2 being days away, we will most likely need to have even more patience for TP updates. This is not a complaint, I am nothing but grateful for all of nrgz amazing work. So please don't let this post ignite a bunch of Doom and Gloom "The TP is Dead!" responses. Just sharing information that is newsworthy IMO.
Originally Posted by drvon
Where's the CDMA love with the new 6.5.1 Rom?
"The file" I was talking about in that first post is the GSM 23071. So, patience my friend, any minute, any day, any week. We'll get served when the meal is up the Chef's standards.