Originally Posted by jdmsleepr
give this cab a try
jdmsleepr: thank you VERY much. That is a VERY nice looking clock. I find that the crystal letters are easy to read even in bright sunlight. Solid letters can be just as good, but only when my background cooperates. This clock looks great!
I am brand new to the TP2 (as in just got mine a couple hours ago), coming from the TP. Do you have any advice on wallpapering every tab without having to make a cab installer for each wallpaper I want? Is the wallpaper every tab just not ready for primetime yet? (seems like it from what I was reading?)
EDIT: I'll try reinstalling your "Transparent Manila" cab... I installed it but maybe I did something wrong. Will try again.
EDIT2: I must have got an older misnamed version of the Transparent Manila cab. When I redownloaded it and overwrote the old one the size was different. Maybe I screwed up in my original download.