Re: Apache VX6700 and updating to 3.50.00 WWE Rom version
No no no, bootlaoder is what you use when going into flash. You updated your ROM so you have either 2.04/2.05 or 1.04 Doesn't matter those three are all the same. You press Power button + Record Button and the sylus in the reset hole, all at the same time. The screen will go black so hold it under a light or go by a window.
You have got to revert it to an x.02 if you want to use the Kirvin CS 3.5 ROM, I'm still not sure if that's what you're talking about though, what ROM did you use?
It's a cab file, drag it to the device and install it.
PDAJ's ROMs & Tutorials, ROMs for Apache, Titan & Vogue.
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