I have a TP2 on Sprint and my battery life is poor. I have had it for about 3 weeks now and have trouble lasting a full day (8AM - 10PM). My Mogul would easily go 36 -- sometimes 48 -- hours before going into the red (red, not dead). If I forget to plug the TP2 in at night, I wake up to a brick.
I RARELY use my phone. Literally 30 minutes of talk per month. Most of my use is in SMS and web browsing, which is still less than 60 minutes per day. I live in Silicon Valley and always have a perfect signal (even in my office).
I had push email enabled for awhile, but even disabled I don't see more than a day.
I would like to see hard numbers from other TP2 owners. Fortunately, there is a tab in the power settings that gives us all the hard numbers we need. I'll start with mine and encourage everyone to share theirs!
Settings > Power > Information tab:Standby time: 7 hours, 7 minutes
Talk time: 0 hours, 0 minutes
Device usage: 0 hours, 28 minutes
Power remaining (from Battery tab): 5 bars
nuePower CPL readings:Power remaining: 42%
Voltage: 3.722 V
Discharge: 307 mA
Charge: 0 mA
Temp: 28 °C