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Old 10-20-2009, 03:07 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23016) ** | Built Oct 13th | Manila 2.

Originally Posted by macaroo View Post
Is there a way to completely disable tethering or any semblance of it on the Photon OCt 13 build. I have a 120.00 bill now for a whopping 12mb of data that i charged for unknowingly. Since unlocking/flashing I am now tethering or similar everytime i activesync my phone. Completely F@(&*ed.
That sounds shouldn't be tethering automatically when you connect to a PC - it wouldn't make sense that your PC would be pulling internet data through your phone unless you configured it to do so.

Do you have an unlimited data plan?

...does the line item on your bill say "tethering"? Just seems very strange. I don't think the device will share an internet connection automatically. You might call Bell and ask for clarification...just remember when you speak to them, you're not using a custom ROM. Ask them to explain in detail why you're being charged if you're not sharing the Internet Connection.

I haven't heard anyone report this issue...I would definitely get more information from Bell.
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