Originally Posted by mlevin77
yep - that's what I did! but what I see in START doesn't match what the file explorer is showing me. For example, I now have 2 "Activesync" icons in the START screen which aren't showing up in file explorer, and there others that don't show up in Explorer either. In WM6.1 this was because the contents of START were also defined by a Menus Setting, which I can't find here. Are you saying that nothing else controls the content of the START screen in WM6.5 and that I should see exactly what Explorer is showing me in the main folder?
if u have resco file explorer or any other file explorer besides the default windows 1 u should be able to unhide system files & things like that & everthing should show up...as far as y u have 2 active sync icons im not sure about that maybe its the rom & im not sure what else controls the start menu in 6.5 but in sure something does because i dont think u can access whats in the settings part of it..im sorry i cant be of more help but im sure somebody knows more about this then me