Originally Posted by supers2k
Does anyone else have a problem with when the phone under heavy use, or after sending a text message it sometimes takes awhile to return to the home screen
Yes. Depending on use, sometimes a simple soft reset will help...or using a program like CleanRAM to keep the device from getting too bogged down. TouchFlo and many of the apps we use can take up a lot of system resources. ...just like any Windows product, there's a limit.
Originally Posted by Bishop942
can anyone help me out? I cant log into my bank of america account since he changed/upgraded the browser (opera) even with this
Use Internet Explorer. ...it won't work with Opera [ at least not with the cooked in version].
Originally Posted by jtology
Ok.. there HAS to be SOMEONE out there who knows how to revert the PROGRAM tab back to 3 columns and revert the ALL PROGRAMS menu to single line as it appears in stock rom. From what I've seen its actually default in most of the new 6.5 roms for TP but on the EnergyRom Standard its not. There must be a registry edit or program I can remove to restore the default setting. Again I emphasize.. this is not the start menu 3 column fix I'm looking for. Its the Program Tab and All Programs sub menu. Isn't there anyone out there who can figure this one out? Step up guys and flex your skillz! LOL.
I don't have a simple cab for you, but accomplished this effect by using SASHIMI to restore my program tab. I don't know if you use SASHIMI but it is a way to get what you're looking for. Got o MURDUCKYS SASHIMI Thread [its linked in the Guide or Thread in my sig]. There are instructions in his Guide for bakcing up yoru program tab configuration. I don't know if you can simply make a reg edit...or if it actually backs up a copy of your manila file and restores that after a flash. Check his thread and get back to me. If its a reg setting, maybe we can figure it out. ...if it's a manila file that it just overwrites, I can zip up a copy of mine for you. Soooo....there's some direction for you. It is possible. My program Tab restores to 4 programs per row, with my shortcuts already in place.
Now...getting the old scroll down, single line, program tab sub menu may require some google searching. That was possible on older builds of TouchFlo 2.0, but there may not be a new mod for 2.1. Search around.
Hey...have we all mentioned how killer sashimi is?