Ok after spending a few all nighters trying to figure out how to cook my own rom, I've come up a Cricket 6.5 Rom for the Touch Pro.
It has all cricket settings cooked in. Web and MMS should work after entering "your10digitnumber" when it promps you to.
I'm new at this so expect some minor issues here and there. Overall I think it works pretty good.
Let me know if you have any suggestions or find any issues.
If enough people like this rom maybe a mod or the thread starter can add a link to the first post?
Touch Pro Cricket ROM
IntegraROM v1
WM 6.5
OS 5.2.21857 Build 21857.5.0.66
PagePool is set at 20
Gen.Y Manila 2.1 build 2.1.38680.1 by yozgatg
--Installed Games/Apps--
Adobe Flash
Adobe PDF
Arcsoft MMS
cleanRAM 1.7
ClearTemp 1.03
FdcSoft Task Manager 3.1
File Explorer Extension 2.05
FingerKeyboard 2.1.408
G-Alarm 1.5.1
Google Maps 3.2.0
GPS Tool
HTC Calculator 1.0.1913.2026.00
hTorch Flashlight 3.2
In Call Recorder 1.0.1821.2426
Jbed Java 0.0.20090217.51R2
Leo Comm Manager
Live Search 4.5.3129.0
Long Press End Key 1.2.1913.4026.00
Midomi Music-ID
MP3 Trimmer 1.2.1912.3729.1
Opera Mobile 9.50.17518.0
Palringo 1.3.1
PHM Notepad 3.5.7283.0
PHM Registry Editor 0.70
PIM Backup 2.8
Pocket RAR 3.9b3
psShutXP for Power Button
QuickGPS 1.01.1913.1225.00
Savage Rhodium Phone Keypad EzInput 4.5
Spb Screenshot
Teeter 1.6.1914.2724.00
TitaniumWeather 4.1.5
Total Commander 2.51
Touch InCall Screen Tweak 1.1.3
Voice Command 23008
Voice Recorder 1.10.1912.3431.0
Wi-Fi Internet Sharing
Windows Live Messenger
WM 7 Titanium Project 6.9
YouTube 2.6.1917.1131.00
I cooked the Manila SMS fix in but I still had an issue with it at times. Maybe reinstalling will work?
Fix for people who can't send SMS using the Manila interface
Copy and overwrite the file to \Windows\
Gen.Y CDMA SMS Fix v2
v2: new SMS fix for "Revolution" R1.5
If you have problems with not being able to receive MMS, make sure there is no
X-VzW-MDN or
X-Alltel-MDN in the registry located in
HKLM\Software\Arcsoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\mm1\WspHeader
There is a mortscript file that I made to remove these keys if they exist, but I'm not 100% sure it works.. haha
The end key is mapped to terminate the data connection, so if you have problems with your connection being timed out after 30mins, press and hold the end key til it vibrates/disconnects, and it should reconnect fine. Most people know about this anyway.
Show weather at my location option under weather settings is disabled by default, since I could never get it to work for me. I need to look into it
Other stuff
I've included a Cricket 1042 PRL in the rom for when you need it, look for it in the My Documents folder
Make sure your phone is unlocked for flashing
I hold no responsibility for anything that may happen to your phone
Many thanks to Calkulin, Ervius, Bepe, RyanMogul, DCD, Drunk, T0o, jpwhre and others for the work they have done.
Edit: This rom has some issues, and I'm not supporting it anymore.