Originally Posted by correct
never completely drain a lithium ion battery... you'll do more damage than good. lithium batteries have no memory effect, so trying to condition them is useless, and unnecessary.
No, this is not entirely true. Draining the battery completely, occasionally, will not harm it. It is only harmful if done on a very regular basis. When you completely drain a Lithium battery once in awhile it it resets the calibration so that the reading you get is more accurate. This is much different from the old NiCad batteries that were conditioned to accept a full charge when fully drained. The same experts who tell you that it is harmful to regularly drain a Lithium battery are the same people who tell you to drain it on occasion to re-calibrate the readings.
Also keep in mind that the readings that cellphone show for battery level are seldom acurate. Being off by 5-7% is probably pretty normal.