Originally Posted by winmonewbie
The Flash Dance is a term that was coined to talk about flashing to stock ROM to clear up issues. Dont know if you are familiar but as we Geeks flash ROM to ROM occasionally files/data can be written to the wrong location causing glitches and hiccups.
What clears it up is flashing a stock ROM, hard resetting that ROM, flashing Energy (or the ROM of your choice), and hard resetting that. A lengthy process yes, but it works. Some choose to do it with every flash, I do but I'm weird like that. I do it so I know I'm starting with a "clean slate".
In the event of problems try it only after hard resetting the current loaded ROM, sometimes that is all you need.
hey i dont like the term geek its so dexter

more like PhD in the art of technology or techie for short :0)
everytime i hear geek i picture overalls with codiroys(which i absolute love have like 12 pairs lol) white socks black shoes plad shirt chewed up number 2 pencils in pockets....
.....mmmm..... o wow..... if you take away pencils and whites socks.. thats me!.. i would rock suspenders...(i think their hot)
i will actually end up doing that right now.. i should hard reset.. flash to stock..hard reset..flash to energy then hard reset?... this will be a long night.